Although Mental Health Awareness Month has come to an end, there are ways you can take care of your mental health all year long. Misinformation and stigma are some of the barriers for those who might be struggling with mental health and mental illnesses. Being aware of them is an ongoing and vital process to reduce the stigma and ensure that everyone understands they are not alone in whatever their troubles might be. Here are some tips to consistently look after your mental health:

Tip #1: Spend five minutes of your day to pause and breathe

This sounds very simple to do, and it certainly is, which makes it all the more beneficial. As fellow students, we know that there are days when we are overwhelmed with tasks and endless requests. When time is flying by, spend five minutes of your day (set an alarm if you need to!) to pause and take a moment to really breathe in and out. This act of deep breathing will provide you with mental clarity, help relieve some stress and make you more aware of your emotional state. It will also help unlock some energy inside! If you find it hard to breathe in silence for five minutes, try out mindfulness and guided meditations through an app such as Headspace. All full-time Northeastern students can access Headspace for free.


Tip #2: Write down your emotions

We understand that it can be hard to speak up about how each of us is feeling, especially when we need to explain it to someone else. Jotting down your emotions and thoughts on paper can be an effective way to process underlying emotions and freely share any problems, fears, and concerns you may have. You don’t have to be the best writer to try this out. The emotional act of writing will help you clear your mind and home in on your priorities.


Tip #3: Move around

If you have too much on your mind, start moving. All you need is 20-30 minutes a day to walk, run, dance, hit the gym, or whatever you prefer! Exercising helps release endorphins that will leave you feeling de-stressed and in a better mood. Moving around is a great way to give your brain a break. You may come back from exercise with a fresh and helpful perspective on how to tackle your problems for the day.


Tip #4: Try to get enough sleep

This is definitely easier said than done, but it is about taking baby steps and progressing! There are times when our mental health struggles impact our sleeping schedules and quality of sleep. Lack of sleep can make it harder to process and manage feelings. Getting a good night’s sleep will provide you with much-needed rest and a boost of energy to tackle the day. To ease into it, have a nighttime routine such as reading a book, and try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.


Tip #5: Ask for help

Although this seems like the obvious tip, many people prefer to avoid talking about their feelings because they are embarrassed, ashamed, or think it will create more problems. However, asking for help is one of the most important steps if you’re struggling to process emotions by yourself. Don’t stigmatize yourself, and remember that it is absolutely okay not to be okay. Reach out to whomever you feel most comfortable with to talk, whether a close friend, relative or trained professional (Find@Northeastern offers a mental health support service with licensed mental health counselors). This process can be scary, but this is the first step in healing. Just remember that you are not alone in this.


*Should you or someone you know have a medical or mental health emergency, please call NUPD at 617.373.3333 (or 911 off-campus) or go to your nearest Emergency Department.

We hope these tips can help you prioritize your mental health. Do you have any tips for taking care of your mental health all year long? Feel free to share them in the comments below!